On Thursday, 07th February 2019 I attended the Final Conference of the University of Pisa and the CISE (Centro Interdipartimentale di Studi sull'Ebraismo - Interdepartmental Center of Jewish Studies: called Shem nelle tende di Yafet: Ebrei ed ebraismo nei luoghi, nelle lingue e nelle culture degli altri (Shem inside Yapheth's tents: Jews and Judaism inside others' places, languages and cultures -

I attended this conference as a speaker and my speech was about Immanuel of Rome, a Medieval Jewish poet who admired Dante. My speech title was Un ebreo ammiratore di Dante? Il caso di Manoello Giudeo (A Jewish admirer of Dante? The example of Manoello Giudeo). It appeared on the conference proceedings which were published at the end of summer 2019. You will find it here.

If you like to invite me in your events, feel free to contact me and I will evaluate your proposals.