Meet the guy behind this website ...

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My name is Jacopo Buffo. I was born in Milan (Italy) on 20th October 1987. After graduating in my home country with two degrees, a BA in Literature and a MRes in Modern Literature, both dealing with Dante Alighieri (you will find my thesis in my publications page), I wished to pursue my theses subject further examing the feasibility of Dante Alighieri's awareness with Jewish mysticism and the latter use on his works. 


This is the reason of why I am attending, from September 2016, a 4 to 6 year PhD in Italian Studies (part-time) at the University of Reading, UK. From 2017 to 2018, I have swithched to another topic: Dante and the Jews. I am investating the cultural backgroung that saw Jewish and Christians interacting with each other already in the Middle Ages and to what extent Dante was involved in it.


From March 2018 I am contiuning my studies from Italy as a part-time by distance student. Since September 2018 I have swithced my title study from Ph.D. to M.Phil., for the above mentioned topic is very recent and less prone to be treated as an Ph.D. I am not worried about it: the M.Phil will act as a strong, solid root for a future, satisfactory Ph.D. on the same topic. Which university and professor(s) will supervise me on the future Ph.D. will be dealt by me any time soon.


Until December 2018, my research was supervised by professors Catherine Léglu and Paola Nasti. On December 2018 professor Paola Nasti left the University of Reading for the Chicago Northwestern University. Since Spring 2019 a new professor, George Ferzoco of the University of Bristol, is the new supervisor who had replaced prof. Paola Nasti.


Finally, since 2016 I have opened this website to promote my works.

I hope you will enjoy it!